[1] P. Ortega, P. Domens, A, Gibert :
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[2] P. Ortega, P. Domens, A, Gibert :, B. Hutzler, G. Riquel :
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[3] T. Reess, P. Ortega, A. Gibert, P. Domens, and P. Pignolet :
An experimental study of negative discharge in a 1.3 m point-plane air gap : the function of the space stem in the propagation mechanism; J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 28, pp2306-2313, (1995)
[4] D. Beysens, M. Muselli, I. Milimouk, C. Ohayon, S. Berkowicz, E. Soyeux, P. Ortega:
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[5] P. Ortega, F. Rühling, F. Heilbronner, R. R. Díaz and
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[6] D. Beysens, M. Muselli, I. Milimouk, C. Ohayon, S. Berkowicz, E. Soyeux, P. Ortega
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[7] P. Ortega, T. Guignes:
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[8] P. Ortega
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[9] P. Ortega, R.T. Waters, A.
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[10] P.Ortega, R.R.Diaz, F.Rühling and F. Heilbronner:
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[11] O. Clus, P. Ortega, M. Muselli, I. Milimouk, D. Beysens:
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[12] R. Dowden, R. Holzworth, C. J Rodger, J. Lichtenberger, A. R. Jacobson,
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Woodman, X. Qie, G. Burns, A. Collier, O.r Pinto Junior, R. Diaz, C. Adamo,
E. R. Williams, S. Kumar, G. Raga, J. M. Rosado, E. E. Avila, M. A. C., T. Ulich, P. Gorham, N. Hannekum, T.
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[13] P. Ortega:
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[14] A.
Fadil, L. Sichoix,
J.P. Barriot, P. Ortega and P.
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[16] M. Hopuare, M. Pontaud, J.P. Ceron, P. Ortega and V. Laurent
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[18] F. Lucas, P. Ortega, M. David, F. Sinama, B. Brangeon, F. Picgirard :
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[19 *F. Rühling, F. Heilbronner, P. Ortega, P. Domens, A. Gibert, J. Dupuy, :
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[22] P.Bayle,
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[23] *P. Ortega, P. Domens, A. Gibert,
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[24] *A.J. Davies, R.R. Hameed, P.Ortega, R.T.Waters and W.T.Williams :
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[25] P. Ortega, P. Domens, A. Gibert, P.Pignolet :
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[27] *T.Reess, P.Ortega,
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[28] P. Ortega, F. Rühling,
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[29] R.R. Díaz , F. Rühling , F. Heilbronner , P.Ortega :
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[30] *F. Rühling,
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[31] *F. Rühling, F. Heilbronner and R. R. Díaz, P. Ortega :
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[32] *F. Rühling F. Heilbronner, P. Ortega :
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[33] P. Ortega, M. Rodière and
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[34] *D. Beysens, M. Muselli, I. Milimouk, C. Ohayon, S. Berkowicz, E. Soyeux, P. Ortega
Passive Radiative Condensers to Extract Water from Air, Bull. of the Croatian Meteorological Society, 39, 59-69, (2004)
[35] *P. Ortega
Lightning location system in Tahiti ; VIII Int. Symp. on Lightning protection, São Paulo, Nov 2005
[36] P. Ortega,
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[37] P. Ortéga, R.T. Waters, A.
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Atmospheric correction factor for impulse breakdown voltage, ICPIG, Prague, juillet 2007
[38] O. Clus,
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Dew water physical and chemical characteristics in tropical climate (French Polynesia), IV International Conference on Fog, Fog collection and Dew, Chili, juillet 2007
[39] *P. Ortega
Probability distribution of the first positive corona inception, Plasma Environmental - Atmospheric electricity - Space charge - Electrical discharges, Applications and prevention – Electrostatics Science and Technology", Tahiti, août 2007
[40] *J.-P. Julien, P. Ortega and F. Marchi
An exemple of cross-fertilization in science : electrode simulation from meter to nanoscale, Plasma Environmental - Atmospheric electricity - Space charge - Electrical discharges, Applications and prevention – Electrostatics Science and Technology", Tahiti, août 2007
[41] *E. Defer, T. Farges, C. Bovalo, J.P. Pinty, M.chong, S. Soula and P. Ortega
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[42] *P. Ortega, A. Guha,
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[46] F. Lucas, P.
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[48] *D. Beysens, M. Muselli,
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[49] A.J. Davies, R.R. Hameed, P.Ortega and R.T.Waters :
Air breakdown at high altitude, Foudre et Montagne, Chamonix, (1994).
[50] P. Ortega, M. Rodière, C.
Moreau and V. Laurent :
Correlation between the Cloud-to-ground flash activity and the meteorological parameters over Tahiti Island. Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Wellington New Zealand, July 2002.
[51] P. Ortega,
M. Rodière, C. Moreau and V. Laurent :
Lightning activity, stability indices and climatic anomalies over Tahiti Islands. Fall Meetings, San Francisco Dec 2002.
[52] Julien, F. , L. Morin
P. Ortega
Evidence d'une
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[53] P. Ortega
Systèmes de
localisation foudre à Tahiti, Assises de la Recherche française dans le
Pacifique, Papeete, octobre 2006.
[54] P. Ricaud, P. Ortega
atmosphérique : projet de recherche et application, Assises de la Recherche
française dans le Pacifique, Papeete, octobre 2006.
[55] P. Ortega,
T. Guignes
Lightning activity, stability indices and climatic anomalies over Tahiti Islands. Fall Meetings, San Francisco, Dec 2006.
[56] J.-P. Julien, P. Ortega and F. Marchi
Simulation of charge nanocrystals: application to atomic force microscopy, CITSA, Orlando (Floride), Juillet 2007
[57] Pascal Ortega, Khanh-Nam Ho, Abdelali Fadil ,
Jean-Pierre Barriot, Lydie Sichoix
Lightning-Integrated Water Vapour relationships in the South Pacific, 11th Pacific Science Inter-Congress, Tahiti, 2009
[58] Jean-Pierre Barriot, Pascal Ortega, Abdelali Fadil and Lydie Sichoix
The Polynesian Geodetic Network (POGENET): 2009 milestone, 11th Pacific Science Inter-Congress, Tahiti, 2009
[59] Jean-Pierre Barriot, Pascal Ortega, Abdelali Fadil, Lydie Sichoix and Victoire
GPS monitoring for natural risk assessments and research in French Polynesia, 11th Pacific Science Inter-Congress, Tahiti, 2009
[60] Victoire Laurent, Patrick Varnier et Pascal
Position du TSUP
durant les phases ENSO, 11th Pacific Science Inter-Congress,
Tahiti, 2009
[61] Pascal Ortega, Abdelali Fadil , Jean-Pierre Barriot, Lydie Sichoix
Lightning-Integrated Water Vapour relationships in the South Pacific, EGU, General Assembly, Vienna, May 2010
[62] V. Laurent, P. Varney, P. Ortega
Variation of the Talweg Superior (TSUP) location with the ENSO, EGU, General Assembly, Vienna, May 2010
[63] Abdelali Fadil,
Jean-Pierre Barriot, Lydie Sichoix,
P. Ortega
GPS and DORIS evidence for a very slow subsidence of Tahiti Island, EGU, General Assembly, Vienna, May 2010
[64] Abdelali Fadil,
Jean-Pierre Barriot, Lydie Sichoix,
P. Ortega
Evidence for a slow subsidence of the Tahiti Island from GPS, DORIS, and combined satellite altimetry and tide gauge sea level records, Altimetry for Oceans and Hydrology, Lisbon, Oct. (2010)
[65] Pascal Ortega, Abdelali Fadil , Jonathan Serafini, Jean-Pierre Barriot
Lightning-Integrated Water Vapour relationships in the South Pacific, XIV ICAE, Rio de Janeiro, August 2011
[66] A.Fadil, P.Denys, R.tenzer, L.Sichoix, J6P.Barriot, P Ortega and P.Willis
Sea level rise in New Zealand and Tahiti island subsidence: vertical land motion from GPS, DORIS and Combined Satelite Altimetry and tide gauge sea level records, Geosciences2011, Nelson, November 2011
[67] P Ortega and M. Hopuare
On the use of lightning data for climatology and meteorology studies in the South Pacific: Application to the ZCPS, ICSHMO 2012, Nouméa, avril 2012
[68] *J.P. Chaboureau, P. Ortega,
S. Bielli
Island effects on contrasted
rainfall regimes over Society Islands during the wet season,
ICHMO 2012, Nouméa, avril